Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

I am wondering how everyone saves money on organic food? Money is tight for us at the moment. We are trying to pay off credit cards and become debt free so we are really piching pennies until we can get ths done. My problem is trying to save the most I can on food. I can do this on conventional, but of coarse I don't want to compromise. I shop the farmers markets, and I don't buy any pre-packaged food I make everything from scratch. I try to clip coupons. Does anyone have tips as to what they do to make it easier?


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I would love the recipe for granola cereal. I have a couple for granola bars I could share.

I'll put it in the recipe section that Pat just started. Maybe you can put your bars there too.

I would love to hear more about this too! I have had to stop buying some organic things as my husband had a job change with lost income. As much as I hate Walmart- I shop there for some organic things like cereal and eggs. I also like Tader Joes for other things. I tend to shop at many stores based on where I can get things a better price.
It is very frustrating as I would rather buy all organic. Even without buying organic, buying whole grains and healthier food- tends to cost more- like peanut butter with no added junk.

I prefer to make things myself but sometimes time does not allow and so I buy some convenience food - mostly Kashi brand and avoid certain ingredients.

I did use Absolute Organics but never figured out if this was a savings- sure was convenient to have produce show up at my door every other week and did help me cook more fresh veggies!
and boy did they taste good.
I used to go to the Matthews Farmer's Market but everything seamed so expensive. Do you go to the Charlotte Farmer's market and how long is it open - month wise. I know I need to check farmer's markets out again.
growing my own tomatoes sure was great and I hope to have a bigger garden next year- that seams to be the most economical way to eat organic!

Food overall is so expensive right now.

Love to hear others ideas on this!
We used to drink soy as well. Then I began reading how soy's benefits are being questioned as not that great for you. I just decided to drop soy from our list of milks. We drink a combination of raw milk, organic milk, rice milk and almond milk. I would love to drink just raw milk but I find we don't drink enough to justify the trip to the farm for 1 gallon.
We have a Super Target near us that has a pretty good line of organic foods. I find I shop at many different places Target, Earth Fare, Trader Joes, Absolute Organics, Farmer's Markets etc. I find a lot of my time is consumed by food! Where am I going to get, when am I going to get it, when am I going to cook it, how am I going to cook it and how much is it going to cost! It makes my head spin sometimes!

I bought a book last year called The Naturally Clean Home. It is great and easy to use. It lists over 100 safe herbal formulas for nontoxic cleaners. It uses baking soda, borax, essential oils, water, cinnamon and vinegar to name a few things. The most expensive is the essential oils which I don't mind buying because we use essential oils for other things.
Hi! In the summer my husband and I plant a few tomato plants and cucumber plants in the back yard. We then buy organic lettuce...this makes for quick and easy summer salads! This could be useful for you next summer!
Joette, thank you so much for mentioning that there is some indication that it isn't great for you. I never stopped to think about that or research it. Being pregnant, I'm going to stop drinking it today and just pay a bit more for the organic cow milk.
I can't find the produce list artical about produce on line, It is in the September issueof Vegaterian Times magazine. It has a lot of info Ididn't know such as:

Spinach should be bought organic because it is often grown in lee-than-ideal conditions, so conventional farmers use significant amounts of pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides. More then 60%of nonorganic spinach tested by the FDA contains pesticide residue, including DDT and permethrin.

Cucmbers- Highly toxic organophosphate pesticides are used on conventionally grown cukes.

Asparagus is o.k. to buy nonorganic because it does not appeal to many pests and is rarely treated with pesticides.

Garlic has natural pest control and is rarely sprayed.

It goes on for veges, fruit, nuts and legumes and dairy.

I can always make copies of it if you want. I don't have a scaner or I would just scan it and send it to people. Let me know.

Wow, I knew conventional spinach was on the high pesticide list, but DDT??? And permethrin? Gads.

I totally didn't know that about cucumbers! They are easy to grow. Grrr...

That article sure sounds informative.

Thanks, Pat
I will copy it for you. Maybe I will bring some copies to the MNO Wed.
There are about 50 differ foods on the list and I'm not the best typer so I don't want to copy all of it here. It is interesting to read It's along the lnes of how they come up with the Dirty Dozen list.

Thanks, when you read about specific pesticides, it seems a bit more "real" than when I just look at the list of the "dirty dozen". It makes it easier for me to remember also.

I would love a copy too Jenn. I will be at the MNO.


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