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Suggestions for Acute or "emergency" homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies to keep on hand for "first aid".
Homeopathic remedies for morning sickness. Here are several lists. Review each to find which symptoms most closely resemble your symptoms. They may change over time. Choose which matches *now*. Several of the links offer other alternative treatment options, such as vitamin or herbal supplementation.

"Nausea during pregnancy can be miserable. At at time when many changes are occurring (enough to adapt to already), it is often very discouraging. Some women only feel ill or queasy in the morning, but for some it lasts all day and is even troublesome at night. Discomfort usually eases off by the third or fourth month, but not always. Homeopathic remedies can be very helpful to a woman with morning sickness and are safe to take during pregnancy." http://www.evitamins.com/healthnotes.asp?ContentID=2243000

Asarum: This remedy is indicated when a woman feels very ill, with constant nausea and retching. She is extremely sensitive to everything—especially noise, which can aggravate the nauseous feelings. She feels best when lying down and resting. Cool drinks or food may help, but it is hard for her to even think of eating.

Colchicum: Horrible nausea that is worse from the sight and smell of food (especially eggs or fish) often indicates this remedy. The woman retches and vomits, and has a sore and bloated feeling in the abdomen. She has trouble eating anything — although she often craves things, when she tries to eat them they make her sick. She is likely to feel ill from many smells that others don’t even notice.

Ipecacuanha: This remedy is indicated for intense and constant nausea that is felt all day (not only in the morning) with retching, belching, and excessive salivation. The woman may feel worse from lying down, but also worse from motion. Even after the woman vomits, she remains nauseous.

Kreosotum: When this remedy is indicated, the woman may salivate so much that she constantly swallows it, becoming nauseous. She may also vomit up food that looks undigested, several hours after eating.

Lacticum acidum: This remedy is indicated for “classic morning sickness”: nausea worse immediately on waking in the morning and on opening the eyes. The woman may salivate a lot and have burning stomach pain. She usually has a decent appetite and feels better after eating.

Nux vomica: Nausea, especially in the morning and after eating, may respond to this remedy—especially if the woman is irritable, impatient, and chilly. She may retch a lot and have the urge to vomit, often without success. Her stomach feels sensitive and crampy, and she may be constipated.

Pulsatilla: This remedy can be helpful if nausea is worse in the afternoon and evening (often in the morning, as well). The woman is not very thirsty, although she may feel better from drinking something cool. She can crave many different foods, but feels sick from many things (including foods she craves). Creamy foods or desserts may be appealing, but can cause discomfort and burping or bring on vomiting. A woman who needs this remedy usually is affectionate, insecure, and weepy—wanting a lot of attention and comforting.

Sepia: Gnawing, intermittent nausea with an empty feeling in the stomach suggests a need for this remedy. It is especially indicated for a woman who is feeling irritable, sad, worn out, and indifferent to her family. She feels worst in the morning before she eats, but is not improved by eating and may vomit afterward. Nausea can be worse when she is lying on her side. Odors of any kind may aggravate the symptoms. Food often tastes too salty. She may lose her taste for many foods, but may still crave vinegar and sour things.

Tabacum: This remedy can be helpful to a woman who feels a ghastly nausea with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She looks extremely pale, feels very cold and faint, and needs to lie very still and keep her eyes closed. If she moves at all, she may vomit violentl
Constant nausea with profuse saliva in the mouth. Vomiting of white glairy mucus in large quantities, without relief and sleepy afterwards; worse by stooping. Stomach feels as if hanging down. Nausea not better by vomiting.

Nux vomica:

Nausea and vomiting every morning with depression of spirit. Constant nausea. The woman feels as if, she vomits; then she feels much better. Nausea and vomiting after eating. Pain in the stomach two or three hours after eating; with loss of consciousness. Feeling of tightness in the abdomen after a meal; must loosen the clothing. Sour taste in the mouth. Tongue coated thick white. Angry, irritable and impatient patient. Headache associated with vomiting; sensation as if head was immensely become large. Violent vomiting, bilious and sour.

Persistent vomiting of pregnancy. Morning sickness. Nausea, worse from any motion. Aversion to all food. Deathly nausea. Continuous retching and vomiting. Better by lying on back and worse by motion. Constipated.

Lactic acid:
During pregnancy; morning sickness, salivation, nausea and vomiting, water brash better by breakfast. Vomiting of pregnancy with thirst and voracious hunger. Nausea, on waking better by eating. During pregnancy; morning sickness, salivation, nausea and vomiting.

Nausea at the sight or smell of food. Great longing for acids or pickles. Inclination to vomit in the morning, when raising her mouth out. Constipation during pregnancy. Nausea in the morning before eating. Nausea worse lying on side. Eructation like spoiled egg; aversion to meat. Sensation of a lump in the stomach. Heaviness or sensation of a load in the abdomen, especially during motion.

Nausea during pregnancy, with much spiting. Deathly nausea, giddiness with violent vomiting. Uncovering of abdomen relieves the nausea and vomiting. Sensation as if stomach were hanging down relaxed with nausea. Sudden urging with nausea, vomiting and cold sweat. Vomiting from least movement. Vomiting of fecal matter. Incessant nausea, worse smell of tobacco smoke. Vertigo, increasing to loss of consciousness; relived in open air and by vomiting.

Asarum europaeum:
Nausea in attacks or constant aggravated after eating. Tongue clean. Bread taste bitter. Nausea with aching in forehead, with watery saliva in mouth. Vomiting with great anxiety and violent retching.

Nux moschata:
Nausea and vomiting with pain in abdomen, accompanied by drowsiness and sleepiness. Abdomen enormously distended after every meal. Oversensitive to light, voice, odor and touch

Vomiting of pregnancy, usually before the breakfast; sweetish vomiting with ptyalism. Nausea, vomiting of food several hours after eating of sweetish water in the morning in pregnancy of undigested food.

Morning sickness with vomiting of mucus. Loathing nausea and retching after greasy food. Nothing tastes good to her. Great dryness in the mouth in the morning without thirst. Sensation as if the food were lodged undigested above the stomach. Craves fresh, cool air. Chilly yet aversion to heat. Pressure in the abdomen and back, as from stone. All gone sensation in the stomach; colicky pain; must change her position to relieve pain.

Cocculus indicus:
Nausea while riding in a boat, cars, carriage, etc. Nausea, worse on becoming or taking cold. Aversion for food. Vertigo on rising up in bed. The thought of food or its smell will nauseate the woman. Aversion to acids, desire for cold drinks. Vomiting with profuse flow of saliva with headache, pain in bowels, on taking cold. Vomiting of sour, bitter and bad odor. Sensation of inner organ emptiness, constriction. Paroxysms of vertigo with nausea. Thirst without desire to drink.

Nausea and inclination to vomit, caused by swallowing saliva. Nausea from the odor of fat, meat or eggs. Loss of appetite. Brown coated tongue. Nausea and loathing at the thought of food. Extreme aversion to food. Sensitiveness of whole body

Antimonium crudum

Patient with excessive irritability and fretfulness. Vomiting worse by eating or drinking without nausea or relief. Vomiting with white coated tongue. Vomiting as soon as she eats or drinks. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea during the pregnancy. Tongue coated, like white ash. Longing for the pickles and acids. Aggravation after bathing; taking cold water. Digestive troubles, from overloading stomach. Aversion to be looked at; and to be touched.

Anacardium orientale:

Vomiting of ingesta. Nausea during pregnancy; ameliorated by eating but return and continue until the patient eats again. Nausea, belching. Feels better from vomiting. Empty feeling in stomach.


During pregnancy; unable to drink water; sight of it causes vomiting; must close her eyes while bathing. Longs for cold food and drink; juicy, refreshing things; ice cream ameliorates gastric pains. Vomiting as soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is thrown up. Regurgitation of ingesta in mouthfuls. Nausea from placing hands in warm water.

Arsenic album:

Nausea, retching and vomiting after eating and drinking. Ice cold water distresses the stomach and is vomited immediately. Great thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a time; eats once but in huge quantity. Can not bear the sight and smell of food.


* Colchicum
Colchicum is to be used in all cases of the appearance in the women of sensations of nausea that worsen and becomes uncontrollable, especially where the smell or the sight of food is concerned, in particular foods like eggs or fish. The abdomen may be bloated and there may be soreness as well, while woman may be given to retching and vomiting. Such patients are also characterized by an inability to eat, even though the desire to do so may be present in them, and they have a hard time keeping food down. Smells and odors that many other people do not notice and sense is very likely to easily trouble them. Colchicum is to be used as a homeopathic cure in all persons displaying these symptoms.
* Ipecacuanha
Ipecacuanha is to be prescribed as a homeopathic remedy where there is the presence of overabundant saliva, belching and retching along with an intense and constant feeling of nausea, persisting throughout the day. When lying down, the symptoms as such may worsen; the women may also suffer a worsening of symptoms when moving about. The nausea on the other hand persists as a sensation, even after the woman has vomited.
* Nux vomica
Nux vomica is to be used as a homeopathic remedy where the woman is cold in the mornings and after having eaten, sensations of nausea may also be present. Irritability and impatience are other signs of the need for this particular treatment. Though nothing comes forth, the woman may be given to retch a lot and will posses a persistent urge to vomit. The patient in addition may be constipated and her stomach may be cramped and sensitive.
* Pulsatilla
Pulsatilla is a remedy to be used in all cases where there is a definite time period associated with the nausea, that is the nauseous feeling worsens in the afternoon and evening and sometimes in the mornings. Though there is some relief from drinking cold liquids, thirst is not an evident desire in such women. The woman can fall sick due to eating all manners of foods, including the ones she desires, and foods in general can bring on nausea. Burping and vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms can be brought on through eating some very appealing creamy foods or desserts. Emotional symptoms include the need for attention and comfort, and such patients tend to be given to weeping, are insecure and very sentimental.
* Sepia
Sepia is to be used as a homeopathic cure in cases where there is the presence of a gnawing feeling in stomach; an empty feeling in the stomach also brings along intermittent nausea in the person. Patients exhibit indifference to members of their family, becoming sad and irritable as if totally exhausted and faint. The symptoms manifest themselves most severely in the mornings, this is not improved by eating and the patient may vomit afterward, this worsening in the symptoms come before the women has eaten. When lying on one side of the body, the symptoms are the worst feelings of nausea kick in their most severe forms. The symptoms and signs may be worsened by odors of any type. Taste may be affected in strange ways; the patient may feel the food she eats is too salty. The patient in addition craves sour foods and will yearn for vinegar and other sour items, even though her taste for many foods disappears.
* Tabacum
Tabacum is to be used as a homeopathic treatment option in all women experiencing a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomachs along with severe nausea. She may find rest only lying down keeping very still with closed or covered eyes. The patient can become very pale, feel faint and feel cold at most times. Violent reactions leading to vomiting can be brought on by the slightest movements; she may alternately be convulsed in a cold sweat feeling severely ill and incapacitated.


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Aug 13, 2010
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"Hi Anna, Hope you are doing well, its been a while since I've come to the group MNOs but hope to attend soon and see folks again. This is kind of a random favor/question, but I seem to have a sick chicken and wondered if you had any expertise…"
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Jul 9, 2010
Pat replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"Interesting. I do find info about Arnica as a poison ivy relief alternative. I hadn't heard of that. Homeopathic Apis helps for swelling, hives also. Pat"
Jul 3, 2010
Pamela Fuller replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"Thanks, lots of great ideas we can try. (I am a new member on the yahoo group as of last week.) We also read some information elsewhere about treating with arnica, do you have any experience with that? DH used arnica pellets on Sunday for muscle…"
Jul 2, 2010
Pat replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"We had two recent discussions about poison ivy relief on the yahoogroup with many options to consider. Plantain, witch hazel and Epsom salt baths seem to offer significant relief. Are you already a member there?…"
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So Maya Lynn decided to come Saturday afternon.After a long labor, but a REAL quick one push delivery she arrived Saturday September 12, 2009 at 5:09.She's 7lb. 11 oz. and 20 1/2" long.We came home Sunday afternoon and have all been doing really well.I will update with photos when I get time to download them.See More
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Food Poisoning

If you observe some safety rules related to foods, kitchen and kitchen appliances, food poisoning will never occur.Most food poisioning effects on body clears up in a few days on its own as their duration is not for very long period. In the case of continued illnessseek medical advice. Children, elders, pregnant women and the personswho use antacids heavily are at more risk of getting food poisioning.The…See More
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