Exploring Holistic Alternatives
Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent
If you observe some safety rules related to foods, kitchen and kitchen appliances, food poisoning will never occur.
Most food poisioning effects on body clears up in a few days on its own as their
duration is not for very long period. In the case of continued illness
seek medical advice. Children, elders, pregnant women and the persons
who use antacids heavily are at more risk of getting food poisioning.
The following food poisoniong treatment or remedies are simple to follow and you can get quick relief.
Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in a cup of hot water before a meal to prevent acid indigestion.
Add three drops of garlic oil to half a cup of soya oil and rub onto the stomach after food.
Drink a herbal tea of mint, raspberry, camomile and blackberry.
Drink ¼ cup of charcoal powder mixed with a glass of water.
Drink one cup of ginger tea after meals to promote a good digestion and for hearetburn, nausea, etc.
Eat some bread, says Julian Whitaker, M.D., president of the Whitaker Wellness Center in
Newport Beach, California. Bread has a tendency to soak up the poison
and can give you a quick relief.
Drink 2 tablespoons of undiluted apple cider vinegar (pasteurized).
Time is generally the best remedy. If you feel indigestion, or get sour burp,
and/or loose motions, or for general stomach upsets, you can do the
Drink mint essense (available as Pudin Hara or
Amritdhara in India. These are mint or peppermint essense.), 3-4 drops
in water, every one hour. Also drink Jaljeera (a mixture of cumin, salt,
asafetida and other herbs) 2-3 times. Let the poison get out of your
body through vomitting or motions. First you will throw poisonous foods
and then water (Drink lots of water with sugar and salt). You should be
alright in less than 24 hours. Start this treatment as soon as you start
getting sour burps. You may drink mint essense (3-4 drops in water)
after you eat in a restaurant or party or you have
The authors of this web site have used this treatment
for this type of food poisoning many times with 100% success rate.
In most cases, the effective treatment is to lie down and drink plenty of bland fluids such as water, diluted fruit juice or light tea.
Deep breathing, mediataion - relaxation technique can help relieve
stomach cramp and calm the irritated bowel, reducing the frequency of
bowel motions by lessening stress.
The following general nutritional guidelines may be helpful in the case of food poisoning:
For specific types of food poisoning:
Supplements to avoid:
Various herbs have been used traditionally to treat different types of food poisoning, though in most cases more research is needed.
Milk thistle (Silybum
marianum) is often used for liver disorders and is widely used in
Europe to treat Amanita
mushroom poisoning. Studies
show that patients with Amanita
poisoning can be effectively treated with silibinin (the primary active
component of milk thistle) up to 48 hours after eating the deadly
Animal studies of Chinese and Japanese combination herbal remedies used for Listeria suggest they may be effective for food poisoning. Active ingredients include:
No studies have examined the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for food poisoning. Before
prescribing a remedy, homeopaths take into account a person's
constitutional type -- your physical, emotional, and intellectual
makeup. An experienced homeopath assesses all of these factors when
determining the most appropriate remedy for a particular individual.
Below are some more common remedies for food poisoning or diarrhea:
Most cases of food poisoning are mild and clear up on their own within 4 - 7 days. However, with mushroom
poisoning, up to half of people may die. With botulism, less than 10%
die, and some people may need help breathing for months afterwards. More
than half of poisonings from pufferfish are fatal. Death is rare in
other fish poisonings, but nerve-related symptoms can continue for
The following are some possible after-effects of food poisoning:
Food poisoning often improves on its own within 48 hours. To help keep
yourself more comfortable and prevent dehydration while you recover, try
the following:
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