I was just forwarded info about a fun, easy sewing project that will help keep newborn babies warm so they can grow healthy. It consists of making newborn caps out of old t-shirts. You can even work on this with kids!
A Maine-based volunteer partnership, Konbit Sante, is putting together safe birth kits for Haitian birth attendants. A woman associated with that group is organizing mothers to make newborn hats for these kits.
Amazingly enough, the birth attendants in Haiti do not always have access to these basic articles. These simple kits (consisting of plastic sheeting, hand sanitizer, a sterile piece of string and razor blade, and these newborn baby caps ) have the potential to reduce infant and maternal mortality, and give babies a safer, healthier start.
Here is a link for more details and cap pattern:
(it is a blog so the info starts at the bottom of the page)
The deadline for the first shipment is December 10th.