Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

I recently relocated to Charlotte from Atlanta, GA and am in search of a no vaccine-friendly pediatrician in the area? Any suggestions...

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Ah-ha! You are here! :-)

We must meet!!

Peds are not by definition 'non-vax friendly', has to do with the APA and group/hospital privileges, I believe. Or 'group-think'?

Do you think you need a pediatrician for your children (asked gingerly)? We see a family practice doc, if we have to. Mostly, we stay healthy - away from doctors, lol.

We see a classical homeopath, an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, and as rarely as possible any medical folks. There are a few N.D. in the area also. We quit well-baby visits at about a year old.

We must meet :) I had a great pediatrician for my sons (ages 2.5 and 8 months) in Atlanta. An MD that was very accepting of my decision to not vaccinate. We too, stay pretty healthy and I have found a chiropractor that I really like here in Charlotte. I would like someone that respects my views, just in case my children get sick. It is a little scary moving to a new place and not having any type of medical professional. I have not taken my youngest son for a well visit since we moved in October. Also, for my son's school they require a NC medical doctor to fill out a health form, etc. Who do you recommend for a family practice doctor? Also, had an acupuncturist in ATL that I LOVED-so sad to lose her :( Would love to hear your recommendations on that as well. I am so happy to have found this site. I feel a little out of place here-people in Charlotte seem much more conservative about these things than folks in Atlanta :( Yes, my graduate work was on the long-term effects of pain experienced in the NICU. My recent work is on the impact of neuropsychiatric medication during pregnancy on the developing brain. Looking forward to hearing back from you :)

We are out of sorts with Dr. Dino Kanelos' office. He was our 'go to' non-vax friendly M.D. Too many issues to list. But, we'll only go if we have to.

There is an MD, lady doc at the Arboretum, Dr. Nelsa Andersson Ciapponi. I'm certain that she is non-vax friendly, as the founder of P.A.V.E. (parents advocating vaccine education) recommends her. We're going to get established with her. Optimal Health Medicine Center

Marston St. John is a member here and delightful, professional acupuncturist.

Yes, I remember, 'infants can feel pain'. Brilliant!

Btw, do you know about the MTHFR gene polymorphism? It is my passion research area, especially as it relates to mental health issues, and pregnancy.

We have a yahoogroup loop for this site also: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ExploringHolisticAlternatives/

Select a date for a Moms Night Out and we'll have the ladies meet up.

Thank you so much. Ugh...someone recommended Dr. K to me. I went there for a well visit for my son so that he could start preschool here in Charlotte. I was soooo unhappy with him. He tried to strong arm me into getting a new 3 vaccine combo shot for him-I was stunned! He told me that he wouldn't sign my son's health form if he didn't get at least 1 vaccine that day and wanted me to put him on a "schedule" for the remaining ones. Needless to say, we have not been back. Thanks for the recs on the other docs. I will be in touch! Yes, I am familiar with MTHFR-we will have to chat more about it :)


Pat said:
We are out of sorts with Dr. Dino Kanelos' office. He was our 'go to' non-vax friendly M.D. Too many issues to list. But, we'll only go if we have to.

There is an MD, lady doc at the Arboretum, Dr. Nelsa Andersson Ciapponi. I'm certain that she is non-vax friendly, as the founder of P.A.V.E. (parents advocating vaccine education) recommends her. We're going to get established with her. Optimal Health Medicine Center

Marston St. John is a member here and delightful, professional acupuncturist.

Yes, I remember, 'infants can feel pain'. Brilliant!

Btw, do you know about the MTHFR gene polymorphism? It is my passion research area, especially as it relates to mental health issues, and pregnancy.

We have a yahoogroup loop for this site also: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ExploringHolisticAlternatives/

Select a date for a Moms Night Out and we'll have the ladies meet up.

Oh my flippin' )%$#)#*!!

I am furious to hear that about Dr. K!! You saw him directly? Not the NP or PA? Cause they are more fear-mongering than he. Dr. K has been jovial and light, if not detail-oriented. But, that worked for us, lol. Other friends have had office management issues which impacted their health care.

But, pushing a NEW multi-vaccine is way beyond comfort. Recently, they implemented some 'Refusal to Vaccinate -harming the child and the world' form, I understand.

Did you get any vaccine? Did you have to sign the 'non-vax' form? I would have walked out. There is a 'Vaccine Exemption' which is legal and honored in NC.

"Religious Exemptions to NC Vaccines": http://www.sog.unc.edu/pubs/electronicversions/slb/slbfal04/article... (FYI: do NOT discuss your religious beliefs regarding vaccines online, contact me by PM if you have additional questions)

Dr. Wendy Talley at Growing Up Pediatrics in Cornelius is respectful of non-vaxing families. We do have to sign a waiver, but I think that is for insurance coverage for her practice. She does tell me every time we see her that she strongly suggests the tetnus shot and the MMR and down the line, the Hep B shot, but is also fine with me saying no thank you.

Also Dr. Lane at Touchstone Health Associates http://www.touchstonecare.com/ also in Cornelius or at least Huntersville seems to be a great advocate of parent choice lately. He is somewhat holistic in his care, recommending diet changes, supplements, and minerals, and positively discussing raw milk and homebirth among other natural living issues. He is a family dr. Hope this helps, and welcome to Charlotte!
I'm so stunned by reading this!! We used to see Dr. K and he has NEVER strong armed me into ANY vaccines with my kids EVER!! How frustrating and I'm sorry that you went through that! I know that he recently required that you sign a waiver for non-vaccinating parents (I believe this is in part of being pressured by the medical community for being known as the "non-vacc friendly doc" so he's responding by protecting himself from any liability).

Pat is right about Dr. Ciapponi. I would suggest her very much as she was our ped before she left Weddington Family Medicine. I was very sad when she left WFM but I was happy for her because she went on to further her training in holistic health. She was always very respectful of our families choices and always met me where where I was at. We've been very lucky because we've not had any need for a Dr. yet for our children (knock on wood ;) but I will most likely seek out Dr. Ciapponi again *IF*/ when the need arrises.

Good luck and keep us apprised of what you come up with!!

Thank you so much. Ugh...someone recommended Dr. K to me. I went there for a well visit for my son so that he could start preschool here in Charlotte. I was soooo unhappy with him. He tried to strong arm me into getting a new 3 vaccine combo shot for him-I was stunned! He told me that he wouldn't sign my son's health form if he didn't get at least 1 vaccine that day and wanted me to put him on a "schedule" for the remaining ones. Needless to say, we have not been back. Thanks for the recs on the other docs. I will be in touch! Yes, I am familiar with MTHFR-we will have to chat more about it :)


Pat said:
We are out of sorts with Dr. Dino Kanelos' office. He was our 'go to' non-vax friendly M.D. Too many issues to list. But, we'll only go if we have to.

There is an MD, lady doc at the Arboretum, Dr. Nelsa Andersson Ciapponi. I'm certain that she is non-vax friendly, as the founder of P.A.V.E. (parents advocating vaccine education) recommends her. We're going to get established with her. Optimal Health Medicine Center

Marston St. John is a member here and delightful, professional acupuncturist.

Yes, I remember, 'infants can feel pain'. Brilliant!

Btw, do you know about the MTHFR gene polymorphism? It is my passion research area, especially as it relates to mental health issues, and pregnancy.

We have a yahoogroup loop for this site also: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ExploringHolisticAlternatives/

Select a date for a Moms Night Out and we'll have the ladies meet up.


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