Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

How to Cure Nosebleeds with Natural Treatments

  1. Soak a small cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar and pack it lightly into the nostril.
  2. Squeeze nettle leaves, soak a cotton ball and pack lightly into the nostril for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Soak a small cotton ball in lemon juice and pack lightly into the nostril for 2-4 minutes.
  4. Mix grind cumin and equal amount of apple cider vinegar, soak a cotton ball and pack into the nostril for 1 minute.
  5. Boil 10 acorns for 10 minutes, cool and save in the refrigerator. When needed, soak a cotton ball in the liquid and pack into the nostril for 4-5 minutes.
  6. Put 1/8-1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of hot preferred water and drink.
  7. Take some regular water and mix it with some salt. take a cotton ball and dip it in the mixture and then put some drops in your nose

Home remedy for nosebleeds: soak a cotton ball in onion juice and pack it lightly into the nostril for 3-4 minutes.


Home Remedies

for Nose Bleeding

To stop a nosebleed pinch the nose firmly (but not hard) at the bridge
of your nose just below the bone. Do NOT lie down or tilt the head back,
as this makes the blood go down your throat and will make you sick to
your stomach. Hold this pinch for 2 -3 minutes until bleeding stops. Do
NOT blow your nose. This will blow the clot out and make it start
bleeding again.

Apple cider vinegar is useful in getting a nosebleed to stop. Apple
cider vinegar safeguards the body from loss of blood. Soak a small
cotton ball in the vinegar and pack it lightly into the nostril. The
vinegar will help the blood to congeal.

Put a drop of lemon juice in your nostrils. Place a wet towel on the head. It will stop nose bleeding.

Every time you breathe in air, it the job of the nose to ensure that the
air that reaches lungs is well humidified. As such, when your
surroundings are dry, your nose has to work extra hard. So it’s advised
that you humidify the air with a good air humidifier.

Another herbal remedy is to make a tea from goldenseal using one
teaspoon to a pint of boiling water. Steep a few minutes, let settle,
and, when cold, snuff some into your nostrils. Do this several times
during the day to prevent recurrence.

Take equal parts of Red sandalwood (Rakta Chandan), liquorice
(Yashtimadhu) and Naagakesara and make a fine powder out of them. Add
2-3 pinches of this powder in a glass of milk and take it.

Before you begin to stop the nose bleed, blow your nose once forcefully.
This will blow out any clot that is keeping the blood vessel in the
nose lining open. Once the clot is out, the flexible fibers around that
minute opening in the nose will itself contract.


Nose Bleeds Home Remedies

Salt Treat nose bleeds with salt - In a cup mix together 1 teaspoon of salt and enough vinegar to dissolve the salt. Mix until the
salt is dissolved and then add 2 squirts of lemon juice. Stir
until it's all mixed. Sniff the mixture close to your nose.
The bleeding should stop after a few sniffs.

Treat a nose bleed with gauze - This remedy is quite simple but I guarantee it will work and help stop the nose bleed. Simply role up
a piece of gauze and put it under your upper lip. The bleeding
should stop almost right away.



Treat a nose bleed with an onion - As soon as you get a noise bleed slice a onion and hold it just under your nose. The fumes
from the onion act as a natural coagulant and the nose will
stop bleeding.


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