Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

Anyone use/take these?  Would you recommend tablets or powder in the spirulina?  About how much of each do you take each day?  I'm looking into these and trying to determine cost/benefits/etc.

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Do you have/had any mercury fillings in your teeth? Are you ttc, pregnant or nursing?

no fillings. I am breastfeeding.

Pat said:
Do you have/had any mercury fillings in your teeth? Are you ttc, pregnant or nursing?

Have you considered just including more sea vegetables into your diet? Perhaps a whole kelp supplement which you take daily? I'm a whole foods gal. And when we process foods, especially chemically or with heat, we denature many of the original properties and lose benefits of the actual nutrients. http://www.sunfood.com/buy/1/101/Kombu-Kelp-2-oz-raw-certified-orga... I just mix a teaspoon of the kelp flakes into tomato juice and drink it quickly before it thickens. Or add to soups. Do NOT add to smoothies---tried that it becomes salty sludge, lol.

I like organic, heavy metal tested kelp. Some sea vegetables are high in arsenic; some less consistent in iodine. Here is more info about sea vegetable benefits: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=135

Without mercury, I'd believe that a sea vegetable food source would be terrific. With mercury, I'd include it in small amounts and gradually increase to a couple of tablespoons a day.

Thanks for the info. Are you recommending against the other two? If so, why? Is it b/c of the processing involved to make the powdered spirulina and liquid chlor.?

My husband is getting ready to do a detoxifying fast. I would love to be joining him, but can't due to nursing. Anyway, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" recommends both of those while fasting, but the more I read up the more both seemed to have good benefits to be be taken on a regular basis. So I am just trying to get some more info on them.
I don't like detox fasts. I don't consider them safe, as they just mobilize toxins and don't excrete all toxins effectively. The circulating toxins must redeposit into our brain, organs and gut.

But, if he feels he must detox, I'd do "Juice Feasting". And be sure to get adequate vit C, zinc, magnesium and selenium to help excrete toxins. http://www.juicefeasting.com/

I am a whole-foods gal. If it is made in a lab, it is processed more than I'm comfortable.

Here are a couple of old threads about detox fasts.

We can not extrapolate the 'benefits' of whole food sources of spirulina and chlorophyll to the processed product.

Thanks for the links. By detox fast I mean he's going to do only whole fruit juices, water, and herbal teas for at least three days, bookended by only fresh fruits and veggies. I'm going to have him consume garlic to kill off some of the toxins released.

I'd love to do that gall bladder flush that is talked about in one of those above links (I'm having some gb issues I think) , but I can't do anything while I'm nursing.

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