Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

We love getting raw milk from South Carolina, since we can not get it in NC. A friend sent this email regarding new SC raw milk legislation which has some public forum on Oct. 27th in Columbia. Could folks forward this concern around to organizations or groups that could be interested? The actual legislation is horrible to read! It is attached to her email; I'm trying to find a way to attach it here. I can't locate it online, yet. The micromanagement of the farmer is very restrictive economically, imo.

Staff of the Department of Health and Environmental Control invite interested members of the public and the regulated community to attend a staff-conducted informational forum to be held on October 27, 2008, at 1:00 p.m. in the Peeples Auditorium, third floor of the Sims Building at the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201. The purpose of the forum is to answer questions and receive public comments from interested persons on the proposed amendment of R.61-34. Please use the front entrance of the building facing Bull Street if you plan to attend.

Did find this, but can't locate the document online.

State Register Document No. 4017, Proposed Amendment of R.61-34, Milk and Milk Products.

Status: The DHEC Board granted Department staff initial approval on September 11, 2008, to public notice the proposed amendments. A Notice of Proposed Regulations, containing the text of the amendments and notice of opportunity for public comment, was published in the S.C. State Register on September 26, 2008, and can be viewed on the S.C. Legislature Online Internet website at http://www.scstatehouse.net/regs/4017. For additional information contact Mr. Jimmy Williamson, Division of Food Protection (Dairy Foods and Soft Drink/Bottled Water Protection Program), Bureau of Environmental Health, S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, S.C. 29201-1708; Phone:803/896-0644; Email: williajs@dhec.sc.gov .


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Just found this:

Interested persons are also provided an opportunity to submit written comments to Mr. James S. Williamson, Jr., Division of Food Protection – Dairy Foods and Soft Drink Bottling/Bottled Water Program, Bureau of Environmental Health, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201. To be considered, comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 27, 2008.

Public comments received at the forum and/or during the public comment period by the deadline requested above will be considered in formulating the final proposed Regulation for public hearing before the Board.

Thanks for posting this! I will be commenting! Maybe you can get some in NC next year, for your cat that is... ;-)
Found this:

Mr. Michael Longshore, Director, Division of Regulation and Enforcement, Bureau of Environmental Health, presented this item to the Board. Raw milk is in demand in South Carolina. Rather than banning the sale of raw milk, which would likely create a “black market” or “underground market” for the product, the Department regulates the production and sale of raw milk to enhance the safety of the product and to reduce the risk of disease and illness associated with the human consumption of raw milk. Regulation 61-34 ensures that consumers
S.C. Board of Health and Environmental Control/September 11, 2008/page 4 of 9
are receiving relatively safe, high quality, Grade “A” raw milk for human consumption; the regulation addresses sanitation standards for milk production facilities (including farms), and addresses food safety and packaging requirements associated with raw milk. The proposed amendments include food safety standards for raw milk, permit requirements, sampling and reporting requirements, laboratory processes, labeling standards, and enforcement procedures. Amendments will clarify the regulation for raw milk, and will remove references to pasteurized milk, which is covered by R.61-34.1. Other related editorial and stylistic changes have been made as necessary to improve the overall quality of the regulation.
Mr. McCall moved, seconded by Dr. Buckhouse, to grant initial approval to publish a Notice of Proposed Regulation in the State Register to provide opportunity for public comment, to conduct a staff informational forum to receive and consider comments, and allow staff to proceed with a public hearing before the Board. Approved.

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