Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

Just looking to chat with others who homeschool. My daughter is still quite young - we do preschool/K at home. Our learning is thru play of course, but I am reading up on montessori teachings.

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We have an active, open and inclusive and FREE group of homeschoolers and maybe-wannabe homeschoolers on the "Explore and Discover" yahoogroup. You are welcome to join us for outings and activities. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ExploreAndDiscover/

There are secular and Christian homeschool networks also. The two largest are the secular, Home Based Educators of Charlotte http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hbec/?yguid=287472904 and Charlotte Christian Homeschool Network. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CCHNet/

There are regional homeschool groups (N, SW, NE, etc.), and groups based upon homeschooling method.

Are you interested in resources about different types of homeschooling, or connecting with other homeschoolers who live near you? I highly recommend joining homeschoolers on outings. I believe that all the groups are welcoming to mamas with young children.

But, basically, we unschool and just play and live and learn as a byproduct of enjoying a full and enriched life.

HTH, Pat
Hi Amber!

We are in our 3rd year of homeschooling. I have 4 children (girls 8, 6, 2.5 and boy 4 months). Our style is eclectic and since my older girls love to read a lot of their learning is through independent reading with group discussion afterwards. Last year, when I was pregnant and chasing after a 2 year old we were more relaxed with many child-led learning days.

There are many ways to home school and you'll find different methods work better for different children. I have friends that need the structure of a curriculum and others that unschool. All methods have value and the most important thing is that you are learning together as a family.

I did a re-vamp'd version of Letter of the Week last year more for myself to get into the mind set of 'teacher' I broke it down to what worked for us & followed DD's lead. Some "weeks" took two or three...LOL!

Currently, we're working on penmenship & life skills. My DD can write, however she forms the letters her way and I wish to break that habit before it causes any trouble. We have some simple workbooks around the house for when she asks for schooly stuff, and books, books & more books!! Already she has a strong love for reading.
Hi Amber,
We are on our second year of homeschooling. We started very serious and became very relaxed as time went on. Now we are somewhere between unit studies and VERY relaxed. We spend a lot of time out and about so lots of books in the car for the oldest. I have a 3 yo I'm starting preschool with. He has lots of fun doing school like the older two (8 and 6). We do lots of reading and crafts. Some worksheets but not much anymore. I have found that I can get everything I need free off the computer so I really enjoy putting together very ecclectic units.

I'll answer the role call! :-)

My girls are 5.5 and 3. We homeschool/unschool. I love learning with my girls. Already their interests have pushed me to learn new things and to broaden my horizons.

I am so excited to be moving to an area with so many opportunities for homeschoolers. I've been on the Explore and Discover group for at least a year now, watching activities come and go, and I almost can't believe we'll soon get to participate. :-)
We are unschoolers. My girls are almost 9 and 11. Charlotte is a wonderful place to homeschool. There are so many wonderful people and opportunities.

Hi Amber. We homeschool/unschool, we might even be called eclectic homeschoolers. Most days I do not know what to call us! We learn through living our life and being in the community (and the occasional workbook or unit study if my kids request it.) Charlotte has an active and large homeschooling community. There is always something to do. My friend says "for a stay at home mom who homeschools, you are never at home!" My kids take different classes in the community and we are always at a museum or homeschooling activity. My daughter, 7, is very artistic. She takes various dance and art classes. The last 2 days she has spent her time making gift bags from scratch from all of the various craft supplies we have around the house. This is what works for us now and it is always changing. That is what I love about homeschooling, we can adapt to fit the needs of my kids at the time. I also love that the focus is on family. My kids get plenty of time with their friends, but they also love to play with their siblings (well not all the time!)

Take care.
We're homeschooling starting with Kindergarten this year. Kennedy just turned 4 last week and wouldn't start K for 2 more years with the new cut-off but my husband is not excited about me HS them so we're getting an early start to prove we can do it. My plan right now is to do the classical method. We'll see how that works this year.
Hi Amber
My kids are 10, 6 and have one on the way we home/unschool.
I am creating a new website with area info on homeeschooling. I currently have many of the area groups on the site. I hope to have more info soon - like homeschool methods and links to more information. Eventually, I will add forums and such like this group.
Check it out and be sure to check back as I add more.
I think I will create a feedback forum on the site to get input on it as I create it.
I would love to know what is most helpful- esp to those new to homeschooling or new to the area.
Just an update-
I have added much to my website on homeschooling including forums for various methods of homeschooling. The site is growing with more members-
There are also new groups started including one for unschoolers and well as a group for those who have taken there kids out of traditional school to homeschool, "upside down forks" is the name of that group.

you can now visit it with this link as well:
Feel free to pass it on to any homeschoolers you know or meet or anyone who is considering homeschooling. It does have links to NC laws on homeschooling.

I just googled Charlotte homeschooling and my site came up- the 4th site listed:) so it can be found this way as well
Hi Gina,

I homeschool in Fort Mill, SC. Will you have any resources or links for people in SC?

We are Home Schooling! My son is 8 and we started last year.
We are more eclectic. I do what works and it is differnt for each subject for us. I think that is what I like the most, the flexibility!
My son loves to read so we are slowly incorporating more of it into our days, with less canned curriculum. It works well for Science and History.

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Jul 2, 2010
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"We had two recent discussions about poison ivy relief on the yahoogroup with many options to consider. Plantain, witch hazel and Epsom salt baths seem to offer significant relief. Are you already a member there?…"
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