Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

I know this is a discussion forum but I need your wisdom and experience to help a human being who suffers. She isnt a holistic mom, doesnt know a lot about this, I just started introducing some alternatives when I met her. But... she's in pain.
She 's 50y , suffers from colon cancer, had 12 surgeries in 7 years. Things are getting worse, MRI showed there are 3 new holes and has to have a surgery again. Of course over the years she has more problems, heart problems etc. So, anesthesiologist says is really risky if she goes for another surgery again.
She 's really bad, depressed, doesn't have the time or the strength to try any more, she doesn’t even check emails.
I 'm thinking of HYPNOSIS for the pain, does anyone know if it could help in such a serious condition?
Can someone recommend a good hypnosis therapist here in Charlotte or surroundings.
Does anyone know if there's anything else I could recomment to help her????
I know that prayers help, since there's a whole family to do, I think I'd better act.
Thank you

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Homeopathy could help. I believe that hypnosis could help. I don't know any hypnosis therapists, though.

ok, I found a hypnotist, I need to check it out. But if you know of a good homeopath that could help I would really appreciate. She isn't in condition to do anything by herself... there is no time to start educating herself now, she needs accute treatment
We all see Naomi Zeskind. 704-553-1811

Her office is near Park Rd. shopping center, off Woodlawn Rd.

We love Naomi. She has helped us tremendously. The consultation is not cheap, however. The initial 3-hour consult is about $300 and there is a follow up appoint in 6 weeks, which is $90, I believe. But, cheaper than pills and more effective, imo and without the side effect risks.

Another alternative that come initially to mind, aside from hypnosis or Homeopathy would be Accupunture. My step-father went to my accupuncturist when he was in the late stages of cancer. It helped a lot with the nausea, pain and fatigue that came with his treatments. I know that there are a few clinics in the area, one on East Blvd, Charlotte Acupuncture and Wellness Center. Additionally, massage therapy, if given from a trained provider in Oncology Massage would also assist with many issues as well as providing compassionate touch. The key here is to make sure that the therapist will work her MD to ensure that everything is accounted for, i.e. any medications, treatments, metathasis et cetera are beign accounted for. Let me know if you would like additional information and I will be happy to share what I can or know.
thank you all so much.
Pat, this is the cheapest way, I can't imagine how much her family hes spent on MDs and hospitals, I know at least 2 houses so far.
As of the accupunctre, thanks for reminding Michael. It didn't really work for me, may be because of the therapist or my specific problems, no cancer thank God. But massage !!! yes, I'm still thinking of my massuege in Chicago.
I appreciate your time and support, I'll be back with news...
Yes, massage! They actually had a massage therapist on the oncology unit providing massage when my mom was in the hospital. They had her to rate her pain before and afterwards and it was always improved. I was delighted that she was able to benefit from massage.

I also believe that Traditional Chinese Medicine could help, with/without acupuncture. Marston St. John is a member here; and she has helped several members with significant issues. She practices TCM and acupuncture in the south Charlotte area.


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