Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

My name is Joy and I have been living in Charlotte for the last 8 years. My husband and I just had our first baby, Henry, May 7, 2008. We took the Bradley class and I labored without drugs for 30 hours and then when I was about to push my midwife realized I was breeched. So we had an emergency c-section. We breastfeed, I was very fortunate to not have any problems with breastfeeding and I love it! We cloth diaper, prefolds and fleece wraps. And we co-sleep (which I also love). I ate all organic food while pregnant, and continue while breastfeeding. I would love to learn to garden, we started composting and plan to start a vegetable garden in the spring. We do not buy any processed foods (with the exception of cereal) and we do not buy anything in cans or plastic. I strongly believe that the majority of the population is way off track regarding their health and eating habits and I try my best to educate myself to prevent my family from making the same mistakes. I try to practice proper food combinations and try to eat 70percent raw. I am a vegan and my husband occasionally eats meat and can not say not to ice cream! Also, we do not use any conventional cleaners, just Charlie's soap, vinegar and baking soda.

Henry is now 5 months! he is 21 pounds and 29 inches--a giant! When he was 5 weeks we took him to his Dr. (Dr. Talley) because he had a fever. He had 'dirty urine' and we had to admit him to the hospital for a week. He was on two different antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. After an ultra-sound and VCUG (a process where they use a catheter and dye to watch where the urine is going from the kidney) they diagnosed him with vesicoureteral reflux, grade 5 (the worst). He is on preventative antibiotics (which I hate and I give him probiotics)) and if it does not improve by the time he is 1 he will have surgery. We haven't had any problems and he is growing so well. I do hate the antibiotics and wonder if they really help and if his dr.'s consider the effect they have on his other organs. Other than the reflux he is the perfect little boy!

I would love to learn more about cooking, soaking grains, and fermenting vegetables. I hope to win the lottery so I can buy land and become self sustainable!
Here is a link to my Flickr page if you have time you are welcome to check it out! I have pictures starting from when I was pregnant, from labor to now! http://www.flickr.com/photos/26621682@N06/
Thanks for reading my super long intro. I look forward to meeting you all!

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We were in FL and PA through most of it but we did take a few urine tests to Dr Kanelos (the one Pat recommended.) Basically, how it worked with our dr in PA was that they provided me with sterile urine cups (when she was very small there were urine catch bags that kind of taped onto her vulva but as she got older and we could catch in a cup, that's what we did. I think it would be easier with a boy :) So I had a bunch of those and would just catch the morning pee and take it in. They would do the test and let me know if there was a problem. It was really simple. I don't think the test is expensive and should be covered by insurance.

We were seeing a Nephrologist because of the loss of the kidney and "hydronephrosis" in her good kidney and they found the reflux. I'm sure your Urologist is fine for what you are dealing with, if you feel comfortable with him.

Let me know if I can help or if you want to talk further (here or on the phone). It's been a long time since we were in the thick of it but I know it would have been nice to have some support.

There is significantly less EPA and DHA in krill oil. It is low in vit A. It doesn't appear to have vitamin D; and I'm not certain if the vit A is synthetic, which in large doses could be toxic.

However, the vit A (and D) are beneficial aspects of the cod liver oil. From my reading, cod is a natural food of humans, krill is a modern "food source". (Historically, we didn't catch and eat krill. The argument regarding heavy metals is that krill is lowest on the food chain. However, most all cod liver oil (perhaps all in this country) is tested for purity. There is certification of products about this concern.

Well, from just doing some more reading, *I* am going to switch to high vitamin cod liver oil. I didn't realize how little vit A and D were in our Nordic Naturals. The only issue is taste. Our son likes their peach flavor.

Nordic Naturals: http://www.smartbomb.com/nn55785.html
Blue Ice, (high vitamin): http://www.greenpasture.org/products/cod_liver_oil
Twin Lab Krill oil: http://www.maxvite.com/Twin_Lab_Krill_Oil_Joint_.html

It is not suggested that one have mercury fillings professionally cleaned, even when pregnant or nursing. And definitely not removed. I don't know of a holistic dentist locally.

I think the nephrologists and urologists fight over the urinary tract, lol. I believe that a urologist is probably less invasive/systemic and less fear based practice.

Nice to meet you. Welcome.
I did some research and nothing beats kefir grains! so I ordered some grains and plan on starting by the end of the week with goats milk! How do you make yours? (or do you buy it)
If you make it do you have any advice? I also did some reading on soaking grains and started soaking my steel cut oats and brown rice! I've been reading Sue Greggs website and Weston Price, do you have any other suggestions? I'm looking into CLO and considering it (what do you think about fermented and unfermented--I haven't been able to find too much information on the benefits of fermented but I'm guessing it's the same as anything fermented...). Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions!

just found this website about the difference between fermented and regular CLO
Wow, the fermented CLO sounds fabulous. I had not researched it yet. Thanks for the link.

The kefir grains are a small cauliflower looking mass. I put them in milk in a mason jar, cover loosely, set in the cupboard for about 24 hours. Strain and drink. Repeat.

Never wash the grains in chlorinated water. That is about all there is to know. Occasionally, I'll rest the grains in yogurt, just because it rebalances them, or makes them taste a bit better, I think. You can learn more at Dom, the Kefir King's Kefir_Making yahoogroup. Dom is the guru of kefir. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Kefir_making/?yguid=287472904

I don't measure out the x Tbls of grains, and y amount of milk. I have two sets, actually. One is a small colony, the other is large. I pour about the same amount of milk over them. After the 24 hours in the cupboard, I store them in the refrigerator until I get around to straining them. I'll pour off the amount of drink I want, and the rest just slowly ferments more in the refrigerator. Sometimes, it sits for most of a week, before I strain it.

Making your own is much more beneficial than store bought. And simple. Grains in milk. Done. LOL

Here are some kefir resources. The second link has a lot of recipes using kefir. Btw, heating the kefir kills the beneficial enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics. Kefir is tart. You can add some maple syrup and it is delicious.


With soaking oats, if you throw in a tablespoon of wheat berries, the phytic acid neutralize much faster and you get significantly more nutrients. The soaked wheat is less allergenic, also. Sprouted wheat even less allergenic, if that is an issue. Here is more info about that: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=975538&hi...

Bone broths are the next item to consider. ;-)

Hi Joy, I just joined and was reading about your situation. If it is a virus/bacteria/yeast that is attacking the body, I have a machine that may interest you. Also, when born by c-section the baby inherits all allergies/yeast that you have. My second son was born c-section and we saw that with aluminum from my husband. ugh! I remove sensitivities from the body too. If you want to call me, let me know. I'd be happy to talk to you over the phone. Of course, you'd be welcome to come by my house too to check it out, ask questions, etc. and I can tell you what I do.

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