Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

I read on another forum about being able to heal small cavities and I was just wondering if anyone knows anything this? Also about rebuilding the enamel? I know they were talking about cod liver oil and some other things.


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There is info on Mothering.com about "Curing Cavities with Nutrition". It is about 3 years long and 600 posts, lol. But, it is amazing! http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=399989

You can read Weston Price's chapter on controlling decay (and the rest of his groundbreaking book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration") http://www.soilandhealth.org/02/0203CAT/020305ppnf/PPNF.HTML

Foods which heal tooth decay:

Healing Early Childhood Tooth Decay Naturally:


Specifically, xylitol products, MI paste, raw grass fed butter, high vitamin cod liver oil, magnesium, probiotics, high vitamin butter oil, bone broths, ozone treatments

conventional: fluoride topically, drill, fill, sealants.

The major issue is to change the ph in the mouth to be less desirable to the strep mutans bacteria, that is done by increasing saliva with phosphorus and calcium. The MI paste does this. We haven't used this due to non-optimal ingredients in it though. Bone broths daily are an alternative.

Chewing gum with xylitol—a natural, “sugarless” sweetener—not only dramatically reduces new cavities—it helps to reverse the process of decay in already active cavities, according to a U-M study of more than 1,200 children. The gum must be chewed for at least five minutes, three to five times a day, to be effective.
http://www.ur.umich.edu/9293/Mar29_93/15.htm You have to be sure to get gum with a gram of xylitol per "dose".

We use Nordic Naturals peach flavored cod liver oil. It is not "high vitamin". I'm not yet comfortable with that option, although, that is the recommendation. Most cod liver oil has synthetic vitamins readded, you don't want those.

Foods that heal teeth:

* Feed your child every meal a soup of blended greens or softly
cooked vegetables.
* Key Vegetables for soup:
* Kales (and lots of dark greens), Zucchini, Celery, Green Beans,
* Add copious amounts of seaweed when the broth is done and the
soup is cooler.
* Never discard the vegetable liquid, it contains numerous vitamins.
* Raw Grass Fed Butter
* Organic and raw yogurt, and kefir
* Raw Grass fed Goat and Cow Milk.
* Cod Liver Oil (must be taken with the raw butter)
* Lacto-Fermented Foods and Beverages to enhance digestion and
* Finely mashed up proteins from - Eggs, Fish, Organ Meets, or
other meets (grass fed only please!)
* Bone broth such as fish or chicken soup broth
* Fresh or cooked fruits
* Soaked, and sprouted nuts finely ground
* Really Raw Honey (may be okay)
* Sprouted/ fermented grains, (only for children over 1.5 years)
* There are many herbs that can be cautiously used to provide
minerals to the teeth,
* These include Horsetail, lemon grass, red raspberry leaf,
nettle's, lemon balm.

Foods that remove minerals from body and cause tooth decay and general

* Almost every kind of sugar, even organic, especially fruit juices
* Bread, wheat, cookies, crackers, cereals, grains, nuts, seeds, pasta's
* Peanut Butter
* Any processed baby food
* Soy or soy formula
* Pasteurized milk
* Dried Fruit
* Iodized salt – cheap processed salt.
* Non-organic animal products such as eggs, meat, chicken ect.

None of the kids have cavities but my husband has really soft ,weak teeth so I was thinking if there is something I could do for him to stregthen them. I'm also afraid Zach has inherited Sean's teeth also so I would like to try something easy to prevent problems. I have never had cavities and would like to keep it that way. I'm just looking for an easy to follow preventative plan for everyone.

Jenn, Which tooth is the cavity in? The 2 front teeth are both # 1. I do some energy work and with the teeth I look at a dental chart. For instance, my daughter had an abscess tooth. On the dental chart it was the Large Intestine. Every tooth has a corresponding organ. I gave her supplements to make sure she was pooping several times a day. I work the LI alarm points and then trace the LI meridians. This all gets energy to the tooth. Then I use my scenar(you can google it) on the gum with an acupuncture probe to put energy in. Black walnut is good too for the teeth(only 1-2x/wk). Doesn't taste bad, just looks weird. Great around Halloween though!
As far as the enamel goes, I look at sensitivies...to flouride, calcium, zinc(for white spots).
None of the kids have them I just want to look for ways to prevent them. My husband actually had some health issues when he was a teenager that caused his problems. He just told me that it was the cause recently. It makes me worry a little less about the kids. My oldest didn't have his first dental cleaning until he was 7 and had no cavities so I imagine his teeth are pretty strong and I'm just over concerned. Thanks for letting me know about the black walnut I will have to look into also.

You're lucky. I experienced more with my first. Just watch the sugar. I teach mine to rinse their mouth out w/ water after candy, etc. : )

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