We are discussing possible presenters for the third Wednesday monthly meetings, and would love some input and feedback.
Naomi Zeskind, classical homeopathy has agreed to do an additional presentation about Homeopathy for emergencies like bleeding, fractures, spider and insect bites, bee stings, hives etc - learn how to use homeopathic remedies for your family. It will be on SUNDAY, November 2nd, at 3pm at EarthFare-Ballantyne. Note: Nov. 2nd is the end of daylight saving time.
Other possible topics:
Green Living and Mindful Home Management. (maybe everyone bring an idea to share)
The Organic Gardening guy does an interesting presentation. But, probably need to schedule him now, for spring. Maybe Feb/March?
We might be able to get Baucom's Beef (100% grass-fed) to do a presentation. Not sure what EarthFare would think of that though, lol. Or a tour on a Saturday is another possibility.
The "Aromatherapy" presentation by Christine Flannery is fun and informative.
We could get someone to do a "Reiki Intro", maybe in conjunction with massage therapy. Christine does both of those also.
I don't know anyone about Holistic Dentistry, but we could look about that. I'd like to learn more, but without a sales pitch.
Two other possibilities that I've thought would be interesting are my latest passions: kefir, especially raw milk benefits; and soaking whole grains for baking. :-)
Another could be about keeping "Backyard Chickens".
And there is a group dedicated to "Slow Food Awareness". We could probably get someone to do a presentation about the benefits of that. Or maybe Raw Foods or Local Harvest??
Does anyone know any resources about Acupuncture? I'm clueless about it and would be intrigued to learn more.
Another option is a "Law of Attraction" intro, if folks would be interested in that?
We have an EFT intro scheduled for January with Jan Luther.
Brainstorm with us and we'll work to find information that you want!
What are your thoughts? What are your interests? Or if you have any resources to suggest or offer, please do.
Also, if you are in the north part of Charlotte, consider joining the "North Charlotte" group. (see menu tab at top of page) If anyone knows of free space where the north Charlotte group could meet once a month, we could plan presentations up that way too!