Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

First off, let me say that I took my dd to see Dr. Jessica Stadmauer about a month ago and she is wonderful!!! After we left her office and got in the car and my poor dd who was sick with a cold at the time said " "she (Dr. Stadmauer) was the best Dr. she ever had!" She really took a lot of time with the both of us and was really so gentle and sweet with my dd. Anyway, I'm gushing so I'll get to the main reason for posting. If anyone in your household is suffering from colds or sore throats etc. you have to try this natural remedy she gave to us to help keep you or you family from being up all night coughing. It works better than anything I have ever tried and my oldest dd has asthma and usually is up all night coughing when she gets a cold. But not anymore! Both my girls had colds and we did this treatment and they both slept like rocks last night!!

Warming Socks Treatment

The warming socks treatment is recommended at the first sign of any congestion in the ears, eyes, sinuses, throat and/or lungs. It is helpful in sore throats, neck pain, ear infections, headaches, migraines, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections.

The warming socks treatment works best if it is repeated a number of nights in a row. Repeat the treatment for as many nights as necessary to improve the initial condition.

1 pair white cotton socks
1 pair thick wool socks
Warm bath or warm foot bath


Warm feet first. This is very important, as the treatment will not be as effective and could be harmful. Warming can be accomplished by soaking in warm water for 5-10 minutes or taking a warm bath or shower.
Take the pair of cotton socks and get them wet with cold water. Be sure to wring the socks out thoroughly so that they do not drip.
Place cold wet socks on feet. Cover with thick dry wool socks. Go to bed. Avoid getting chilled.
Keep the socks on overnight. The wet cotton socks will be dry in the morning.

Effects of the Warming Socks Treatment:

This treatment works to reflexively increase the circulation and decrease congestion in the upper respiratory passages, head and throat. It has a sedating action and many patients report that they sleep much better during the treatment. This treatment is also effective for pain relief and increases the healing response during acute infections.

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We do this!!! It really does work and helps so much!!

And I did this because Anna insisted I try it. I did think it helped, despite myself. ;-)

Hey, Guys- Not to hijack my own post here, but I meant to say what a great site you have on Consensual living! I loved reading all the articles and especially loved the "house rules" article by Anna!! I think I read that one twice and it really made me rethink some of the ways I communicate/guide my children through their journey of growing and learning.

I would love to see you guys do a presentation at Earth Fare and talk more about this! I think a lot of other members would love to hear more on this a well! Just a thought....
Thanks Tori :)

Not sure that we would attract a crowd but I do enjoy talking about living consensually. It's been such a great journey and I'm so grateful for the life and relationships I have.


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"Hi Megan, I've dealt with a few different illnesses. Maybe you can call me tomorrow and let me know what's going on. Or maybe send your number. Pat and I are going to a conference but will have some time on the drive there and later in…"
Aug 13, 2010
Megan Stuhlman left a comment for Anna
"Hi Anna, Hope you are doing well, its been a while since I've come to the group MNOs but hope to attend soon and see folks again. This is kind of a random favor/question, but I seem to have a sick chicken and wondered if you had any expertise…"
Aug 13, 2010
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Jul 9, 2010
Pat replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"Interesting. I do find info about Arnica as a poison ivy relief alternative. I hadn't heard of that. Homeopathic Apis helps for swelling, hives also. Pat"
Jul 3, 2010
Pamela Fuller replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"Thanks, lots of great ideas we can try. (I am a new member on the yahoo group as of last week.) We also read some information elsewhere about treating with arnica, do you have any experience with that? DH used arnica pellets on Sunday for muscle…"
Jul 2, 2010
Pat replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"We had two recent discussions about poison ivy relief on the yahoogroup with many options to consider. Plantain, witch hazel and Epsom salt baths seem to offer significant relief. Are you already a member there?…"
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Pamela Fuller posted a discussion

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Does anyone have suggestions for relieving poison ivy itch?  I'm new to holistic treatments, and hubby has a small case of what he thinks is poison ivy or oak on face and hands.
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