Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

What if we create a Holistic First Aid study group? (here- online, we could tackle a couple of issues a week. And we could link a summary of each one on the front page for reference purposes.)

Here are some of the things we do/can/have addressed at home without antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, ER visits, office visits, complications, etc.

To start- on Mondays, I'll post 2-5 minor summer injuries and some holistic first aid information and links. Everyone is encouraged to share their experiences or suggestions to address these issues. A reminder will be sent out each Monday linking to the new threads.

Everyone must use their own discretion and judgment to determine whether you are comfortable or need to seek professional assistance.

Allergies (seasonal)
Bee Stings
Bug Bites
Cuts, Scrapes
Eye Injury
Food Poisoning
Head Injury
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Rash
Jellyfish Stings
Motion Sickness
Poison Ivy
Spider Bites
Stomach Ache
Swimmer’s Ear
Tick Bites
Tooth Injury

Links will be added to the front page for reference.

Select "Follow" at the bottom of this thread for automatic updates.

What are your most common acute health issues? Which do you wish you could treat at home? What other "first aid" issues have you come across? I'm trying to compile a comprehensive list and we'll create a cheat sheet of supplies and interventions to consider, based upon your own comfort and knowledge.

Please share holistic alternatives for addressing any of these also!!

Found this wonderful "Natural Cures Guide" site!!

And this one, "Choosing Natural Health".

And this one, "Homeopathic First Aid".

This succinct one, "First Aid Advice For Minor Injuries"

Another informative site about Natural Healing Herbs and Oils: Annie's Remedy


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that sounds great! :)
I have treated MRSA (topical) that my daughter had without antibotics. I would be willing to share what I did.

Yes! Rena, do you want to start a topical MRSA thread in this forum? Then we could keep each issue separate and everyone could share suggestions for holistic alternatives to address that topic. I have a list of possibilities for MRSA also. And so many people freak out when they hear MRSA. But, there are holistic alternatives with plenty of research to address MRSA.

(testimonials/sharing what you did, or web links or other helpful resources are welcome on all threads!)

Yes. Loving this!

Andrea said:
that sounds great! :)
Karen you are a fountain of resources and information. I hope you'll chime in too!

What 5-10 things do you often hear folks ask about addressing at home?

I was just thinking today that I probably don't know that much about first aid, especially natural remedies. Would love to know what I could have done alternatively the 3 times that DS2 has had abx. (DS1 has never had abx.)
Sarah, do you want to share what the antibiotics were treating? How the situation originated and progressed, when you no longer felt comfortable addressing it at home, etc.

YES! Sounds great!
I love this idea. I will try to start some basic info about yeast infections. No promises on a timeline though.,, infants don't like timelines :)
I'm always interested in most of these topics -love learning more. I would even like an occassional get together with some demos. I tend to keep up with e-mail but have a hard time keeping up with other forums - probably my age!

Thanks, Allyson

Jamie LaPrairie said:
YES! Sounds great!
There is a new Universal School of Holistic Healing here in Charlotte!


North Carolina Herb Association - NCHA

June 4th and June 5th, 2010 we embark on our first annual Piedmont Herb Festival. http://www.piedmontherbfestival.com/

Classes at the School of Holistic Healing here in Charlotte!

April 20th:
Holy Pharmacy - Sacred Herbs
Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.

Many herbs and oils are mentioned in the Bible. People who lived over 2000 years ago were wonderful herbalists! The course materials include detailed descriptions, medicinal uses and Bible references! Upon completion you will be making a personalized anointing oil!

March 27th also on April 12th:
Basic Herbalism I
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday: 7:00 p.m.

A introduction into the world of herbalism. Based on traditional uses come learn about how to make your own salve, tinctures and oils. Ten plus herbs will be discussed and used to help you start your home apothecary. A very hands-on class and not leave empty-handed class for only $35.00.

April 6th:
Magical Herbs and Oils
Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.

Learn "Nature’s Practical Magic!" A workshop where we will co-create our own personal blends with an intention! Magical plants and oils help focus your creative energy to realize your dreams. This workshop promises a "cauldron" full of magical plants, and lots of suggestions on how best to use them in teas, oils and more! You will take home a "magical" spray of your own creation to cleanse and clear your aura!

Date: To Be Announced
REIKI I - Certificate Course
Saturday - 10:00 - 4:00

This class is for anyone interested in learning techniques for self-healing and helping others. Reiki (ray-key) is an ancient healing technique for modern times. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. Reiki (Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy) is powerful, yet wonderfully gentle and nurturing. It supports any medical or healing method a client may be using. Reiki is a method to aid the body in releasing stress and tension through deep relaxation.
The itinerary of the class will include:
· Introduction
· Opening Meditation
· What is Reiki and Reiki Energy
· Explanation of Dr. Usui’s Ideals and Three Pillars of Reiki
· Chakra Energy System
· Reiki I attunement
· Clearing Negative Energy
· Hand Placement Positions
· Gassho Meditation
· Healing for the Highest Good
· Closing Meditation
All Day - 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - $125.00

Basic Herbalism I Certificate Course - NOTE: 2 day
(10 Hour) workshop (DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED)
Saturday, 10:00 - 4:00
Sunday, 12:00 - 4:00

Please plan to bring your lunch on Saturday so that no one leaves during the class - we will have open discussions while we eat. Light snacks and a beverage will be provided. A two day intensive workshop introducing the basics of traditional herbalism. A list of herbal medicinal plants will be reviewed and discussed. Upon completion you will be able to set up a home apothecary, be familiar with herbal first aid, make salves and tinctures and herbal foods including herbs for weight loss and cleansing! A certificate of Herbalism I will be awarded upon graduation. All this for the low price of $150. You won't leave empty-handed. A very hands-on class.

April 13th:
Green Cleaning
Tuesday - 7:00 p.m.

Learn healthier methods and formulas for cleaning your home, and explore the wonderful cleaning properties of essential oils and regular household items. Going green when we clean helps remove harmful toxins from our lives.

March 25th:
Herbal Skincare
Thursday - 7:00 p.m.

Join me on this hands-on workshop. Learn to identify a selection of herbs, essential oils and carrier oils that have a special affinity for our skin. This workshop includes learning to pamper yourself from your head to your toes the "natural" way. You will learn to make hair rinses, anti-aging serums, facial steams, clay masks, body powders and wonderful scrubs with ingredients from around the World! Lots of handouts, recipes and take home items.

Beginning each Thursday, April 8th through May 20th, 2010
The Seven Pathways to Your Soul - The Chakra Energy System
7:00 p.m.
$25.00 each class or $125.00 for all 7 classes if paid in full at time of registration

Join us in this 7-week intensive workshop and change your world one chakra at a time! Understand the relationship between your consciousness and your body and learn about the chakras. We will cover one chakra each week, how they work, how to remove blockages, the herbs and essential oils associated with each chakra, and simple exercises to balance your overall energy. Topics covered are assessment and function, associated organs, related mental and emotional issues and self-help techniques. Taught by
April 8 - Root Chakra
April 15 - Sacral Chakra
April 22 - Solar Plexus Chakra
April 29 - Heart Chakra
May 7 - Throat Chakra
May 15 - Third Eye Chakra
May 22 - Crown Chakra

April 10th and also on April 26th:
Basic Herbalism II
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday: 7:00 p.m.

A continuation of traditional herbal use. We notch it up and start reviewing herbs and what those herbs are good for. We will work on herbs used as alteratives, anthelmintics and astringent herbs and how to use these herbs in your home apothecary. A very hands-on class and not leave empty-handed class for only $35.00.

April 10th:
Weight Loss That Works
Saturday: 9:00 - 12:00
Session includes group weight loss hypnosis

Weight Loss That Works: A coaching program for weight loss that includes hypnotherapy, effective techniques and information that can change your life. Are you tired of struggling and fighting the battle of trying to lose weight? Do you know all the "right" things to do, but still can't lose weight? Join us for a program that will help you reach your weight loss goals.

April 16th and/or April 23rd:
The Vision Board
Friday: 7:00 - 9:00

Don't just wish for your life to be what you want! See it! Create it! Live it! A fun, hands on experience to create your life exactly as you want it. Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool and you can tap into NOW and use that power to get what you want! You will learn how to use that power in a fun and exciting way that will change your life.

April 27th
Stress 101
Tuesday: 7:00 - 9:00

Stress may be responsible for over 85% of all disease! Sounds crazy? Not really.. Stress is dangerous and contributes to heart problems, digestive problems, pain, depression, hormone problems, weight issues and more. Come and learn more about stress and how you can relieve the stress in your life.

April 24th:
Mother's Herbal
Saturday: 10:00 a.m.

This class will go over herbs that are child-friendly. We will learn how to make a salve, a tincture using a glycerine base and an alcohol base, as well as an oil infusion. What should the natural mother keep in her pantry for first-aid? This class will receive the same credit as Basic Herbalism I towards a Herbalist Certificate. You do not go home empty-handed.

April 14th:
The Weeds Among Us: Good Food! Good Medicine!
Wednesday: 7:00 p.m.

Come discover what's growing in your own backyard or nearby and how it can be used to make medicine or even food! You will be amazed at the many benefits these wonderful plants offer that so many of us refer to as weeds. This class is about one hour and is free.
To start- on Mondays, I'll post 2-5 minor summer injuries and some holistic first aid information and links. Everyone is encouraged to share their experiences or suggestions to address these issues. A reminder will be sent out each Monday linking to the new threads.

Everyone must use their own discretion and judgment to determine whether you are comfortable or need to seek professional assistance.

Bee Stings
Bug Bites
Cuts, Scrapes
Eye Injury
Food Poisoning
Head Injury
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Rash
Jellyfish Stings
Motion Sickness
Poison Ivy
Spider Bites
Stomach Ache
Swimmer’s Ear
Tick Bites
Tooth Injury

Links will be added to the front page for reference.

Select "Follow" at the bottom of this thread for automatic updates.


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Sep 23, 2010
Estela de Arcos Hunt updated their profile photo
Aug 25, 2010
Anna left a comment for Megan Stuhlman
"Hi Megan, I've dealt with a few different illnesses. Maybe you can call me tomorrow and let me know what's going on. Or maybe send your number. Pat and I are going to a conference but will have some time on the drive there and later in…"
Aug 13, 2010
Megan Stuhlman left a comment for Anna
"Hi Anna, Hope you are doing well, its been a while since I've come to the group MNOs but hope to attend soon and see folks again. This is kind of a random favor/question, but I seem to have a sick chicken and wondered if you had any expertise…"
Aug 13, 2010
Pat posted discussions
Jul 22, 2010
Sara Arey updated their profile photo
Jul 9, 2010
Sara Arey is now a member of Exploring Holistic Alternatives
Jul 9, 2010
Pat replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"Interesting. I do find info about Arnica as a poison ivy relief alternative. I hadn't heard of that. Homeopathic Apis helps for swelling, hives also. Pat"
Jul 3, 2010
Pamela Fuller replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"Thanks, lots of great ideas we can try. (I am a new member on the yahoo group as of last week.) We also read some information elsewhere about treating with arnica, do you have any experience with that? DH used arnica pellets on Sunday for muscle…"
Jul 2, 2010
Pat replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"We had two recent discussions about poison ivy relief on the yahoogroup with many options to consider. Plantain, witch hazel and Epsom salt baths seem to offer significant relief. Are you already a member there?…"
Jul 2, 2010
Benita Gibbs posted a discussion

Drinking Water Usage for Your Family

Can you spare a few moments to take my survey?Please take the survey titled "Drinking Water Usage". Your feedback is important!http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/N27LDFDThank you for your time.See More
Jun 28, 2010
Pamela Fuller posted a discussion

Poison Ivy

Does anyone have suggestions for relieving poison ivy itch?  I'm new to holistic treatments, and hubby has a small case of what he thinks is poison ivy or oak on face and hands.
Jun 28, 2010
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Jun 25, 2010
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So Maya Lynn decided to come Saturday afternon.After a long labor, but a REAL quick one push delivery she arrived Saturday September 12, 2009 at 5:09.She's 7lb. 11 oz. and 20 1/2" long.We came home Sunday afternoon and have all been doing really well.I will update with photos when I get time to download them.See More
Jun 25, 2010
allie drayton is now a member of Exploring Holistic Alternatives
Jun 24, 2010
Pat posted a discussion

Food Poisoning

If you observe some safety rules related to foods, kitchen and kitchen appliances, food poisoning will never occur.Most food poisioning effects on body clears up in a few days on its own as their duration is not for very long period. In the case of continued illnessseek medical advice. Children, elders, pregnant women and the personswho use antacids heavily are at more risk of getting food poisioning.The…See More
Jun 24, 2010
Benita Gibbs is now a member of Exploring Holistic Alternatives
Jun 23, 2010
Profile IconLindsey Chambliss, Stacy and Gwendolynn St. Pierre joined Exploring Holistic Alternatives
Jun 14, 2010
Pat left a comment for Gwendolynn St. Pierre
"Welcome. Glad you joined us! Pat"
Jun 14, 2010

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