Exploring Holistic Alternatives

Families practicing: Alternative & Natural Health; Attachment and Mindful Parent

What would you be interested in learning more about at the Wednesday or Sunday monthly gatherings?

Yogurt making
Fermenting vegetables
Whole grain baking-pita bread, pizza dough, no knead bread
Flower essences (Bach Flower remedies, etc.)
Backyard chickens
Learn to knit
Skill sharing (arts and crafts?)
Homeschooling panel Q&A
Law of Attraction
Sprouting seeds and nuts
Green Living
Raw milk
Raw foods
Consensual Living
Cloth Diapering
Elimination Communication
Local harvest
Leaky guts
Food sensitivities
Heirloom seed swap
Flower gardening
Seed collecting
Favorite books

Please list the topics of interest to you and we'll try to plan accordingly.

Thanks, Pat

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Any additional requests or preferences?

It looks like Probiotics, Whole Grain Baking, Knitting/ Skill Sharing, Sprouting/ Raw Foods, Consensual Living and Local Harvest are the most desired topics.

Chime in if you have other favorites. Does anyone want to do a presentation on Sprouting and/or Raw Foods? Any Local Harvest sources that we could contact? We'll set up a presentation about the Probiotics and Whole Grain Baking. Other interests?

Thanks, Pat

The man that did the vermicomposting for me said that he will and does the workshops for other groups as long as he is available. It would be hand-on, everyone would make a bin with worms to take home. There would be a cost. I'll contact him to find out the cost and min. number of people for a workshop.

Terrific! I figure we'd need to do it off-site from Earth Fare. Not sure what they'd think about worms in their Community Room, adjacent to their deli kitchen. LOL

We could do it here on a Saturday, or did you want to host at your house?

Of course, we keep the worm bin next to OUR kitchen!~

I would really like to learn about bach flower essences, local harvest and backyard chickens.
If anyone is interested in learning about acupuncture and Chinese medicine, five element healing or qi gong I would love to speak about these things too.
If backyard chickens doesn't make it to the topics covered, I'm happy to talk about mine :) They are so great!

I'd love to hear you speak about Chinese medicine.

Hopefully, we will find time to fit it all in.

We've had the most requests for the following as monthly presentations. Here is the schedule for upcoming events:

2/18 Favorite Books, Lending Library- Come share about your favorite holistic books: birthing, gardening, parenting, raw foods, green living, vaccines, health, yoga, homeschooling...

2/22 Soaking and Sprouting whole grains for raw and baking needs. Blender batter baking, soaking nuts, nut cheeses.

3/18 Shop with the Doc- Dr. Michael Smith (note, starts at 7pm!)


3/22 Tori Groat will do an "Intro to Raw Foods" presentation with a focus on simple, delicious and nutritious raw meals (and desserts!)

4/15 Skills Sharing, bring a skill to discuss or demo. What do you love? Knitting, crochet, felting, sewing, candle making, holiday decorations, diaper making, toys, dolls, fine arts, jewelry making, soap making, slings, making playdoh, scrapbooking, pottery, quilting...

4/26 Intro to the benefits and ease of whole food probiotics. Making counter-top yogurt, no yogurt maker required! Making traditional milk kefir and yummy water kefir. Making kombucha, scobies and tea. Perhaps, fermenting vegetables.

5/20 Intro to Consensual Living

5/24 Intro to Bach Flower Remedies

We're also trying to coordinate some whole grain baking and a Local Harvest/Slow Food presentation in. Would love to hear other interests and requests!

Hope you all will join us.

Ladies, we've had low turnout for several of the past monthly gatherings and MNO.

Any suggestions? Or we could just start from scratch and regroup, discuss what everyone wants the gatherings to be, going forward.

What are your thoughts?

Hi Pat, I am surely still interested! My step-dad and only babysitter has gone back to FL so activities without Caleb are difficult. We will still try and make the gattherings when we can and park play dates.

We miss you guys!

well for me, it seems that most of the meetings and outings are held in south charlotte, and being up north, it has just been too far for me to get there during those times, logistically.

I would love it if the North Charlotte Group held more events at various locations up North. I would even help organize some if needed...

I generally can't make Sunday nights but can on Wednesdays, which seems to not work for a number of the members. I'm willing to learn anything and am really looking for the companionship aspect of the meetings.

The one meeting that I attend was canceled (understandably so) but the group of women who showed up were all wonderful and had many different things to contribute. We talked about composting, vaccinations, home birth, and raw foods.

So that doesn't help with the regroup ideas but perhaps it can re-inspire.
Hi, Pat- I'm sorry that turn out has been low! I've wanted to come to all the meetings, and had great plans to on Sundays but it just wasn't working for me. I work long days most Saturdays and also don't see my husband all week so the last time I planned to come I was too wiped out! Wednesdays have also been tough because my husband has been working late. I'm hoping that will end soon! I don't have any suggestions because my schedule is sporadic right now but I really hope that we can keep this group together!
Last evening, I attended the "Homeopathy Study Group" with Kristy Lampe, at Earth Fare. It was fascinating. She has hosted the group for 10+ years. It used to meet at Talley's on East Blvd.

The focus of the discussion came back to how to resolve health or injury issues with acute homeopathy. And, the "study group" template was inspiring. There were people who were beginners to homeopathy and several people with extensive acute homeopathy knowledge and experience to share. I loved the 'give and take' flow of the gathering. Where each person had different perspectives and experience to offer. I'd love to participate with others passionate about holistic health and healing! Where we have an issue to discuss from different perspectives, nutritionally, energetically, whatever everyone's experience is to share. The presentation format, is another option. And we've had several gatherings which are more round-table, also.

What health, healing, holistic type issues are people interested in exploring? There are raw food groups, homeopathy groups, and presentations by health providers at Earth Fare already. We could also just post the various offerings and decide to attend, as a group, as able. Last night we touched on wound healing, vaccinations, hospitalizations, flu, pets, GI disturbances, joint pain, etc. There were many avenues which we could have addressed, beyond homeopathy, such as nutrition, chiro, alternative "first aid" healing, liver detox, environmental allergens, immune system support, herbal alternatives, whole food benefits, yoga, meditation, NAET, Ayurveda, EFT, Reiki, Aromatherapy, chemical toxicity, environmental health, etc.

What is your passion? What are you interested in sharing? What are you interested in learning? We could meet monthly, and just chat about whatever is on your mind currently. Which days or times work best for your family?

There are many groups with a sales agenda to the meetings, when presented by health providers. So, I'd like the gatherings to be more informal, interest-led, than business (product/service) presentations. I'm interested in preventative health care, from a self-informed perspective.


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Aug 25, 2010
Anna left a comment for Megan Stuhlman
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Aug 13, 2010
Megan Stuhlman left a comment for Anna
"Hi Anna, Hope you are doing well, its been a while since I've come to the group MNOs but hope to attend soon and see folks again. This is kind of a random favor/question, but I seem to have a sick chicken and wondered if you had any expertise…"
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Jul 9, 2010
Sara Arey is now a member of Exploring Holistic Alternatives
Jul 9, 2010
Pat replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"Interesting. I do find info about Arnica as a poison ivy relief alternative. I hadn't heard of that. Homeopathic Apis helps for swelling, hives also. Pat"
Jul 3, 2010
Pamela Fuller replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"Thanks, lots of great ideas we can try. (I am a new member on the yahoo group as of last week.) We also read some information elsewhere about treating with arnica, do you have any experience with that? DH used arnica pellets on Sunday for muscle…"
Jul 2, 2010
Pat replied to Pamela Fuller's discussion Poison Ivy
"We had two recent discussions about poison ivy relief on the yahoogroup with many options to consider. Plantain, witch hazel and Epsom salt baths seem to offer significant relief. Are you already a member there?…"
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Pamela Fuller posted a discussion

Poison Ivy

Does anyone have suggestions for relieving poison ivy itch?  I'm new to holistic treatments, and hubby has a small case of what he thinks is poison ivy or oak on face and hands.
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So Maya Lynn decided to come Saturday afternon.After a long labor, but a REAL quick one push delivery she arrived Saturday September 12, 2009 at 5:09.She's 7lb. 11 oz. and 20 1/2" long.We came home Sunday afternoon and have all been doing really well.I will update with photos when I get time to download them.See More
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allie drayton is now a member of Exploring Holistic Alternatives
Jun 24, 2010
Pat posted a discussion

Food Poisoning

If you observe some safety rules related to foods, kitchen and kitchen appliances, food poisoning will never occur.Most food poisioning effects on body clears up in a few days on its own as their duration is not for very long period. In the case of continued illnessseek medical advice. Children, elders, pregnant women and the personswho use antacids heavily are at more risk of getting food poisioning.The…See More
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Benita Gibbs is now a member of Exploring Holistic Alternatives
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"Welcome. Glad you joined us! Pat"
Jun 14, 2010

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